Effective Curriculum Implementation

Effective Curriculum Implementation

  Training course on "Effective Curriculum Implementation:  Monitoring, Reporting and Research"   Subject specialists from the Center for Educational Programs  of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools recently completed a training course on "Effective Curriculum...

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Career-oriented elective courses

Career-oriented elective courses

    Career-oriented elective courses   Centre for Educational Programmes has developed career-oriented elective courses. To ensure successful implementation of comprehensive work on career guidance for upper secondary school students, subject teachers need...

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Online Mektep project honoured as top project by UNESCO

Online Mektep project honoured as top project by UNESCO

Online Mektep project honoured as top project by UNESCO The Online Mektep project has been recognised and honoured as part of the “International Best Practices of Digital Education” launched at the 2024 World Digital Education Conference. The conference, themed...

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International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024  From February 1st to 3rd, the International Digital Forum Digital Almaty was held, serving as a traditional platform for discussing the digital agenda, new strategies for digital transformation, and trends in digital...

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Effective Curriculum Implementation

Effective Curriculum Implementation

  Training course on "Effective Curriculum Implementation:  Monitoring, Reporting and Research"   Subject specialists from the Center for Educational Programs  of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools recently completed a training course on "Effective Curriculum...

Career-oriented elective courses

Career-oriented elective courses

    Career-oriented elective courses   Centre for Educational Programmes has developed career-oriented elective courses. To ensure successful implementation of comprehensive work on career guidance for upper secondary school students, subject teachers need...

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024  From February 1st to 3rd, the International Digital Forum Digital Almaty was held, serving as a traditional platform for discussing the digital agenda, new strategies for digital transformation, and trends in digital...

Trainings held in Almaty

Trainings held in Almaty

  Trainings held in Almaty on renewed subject programmes within the educational programme of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO “NIS-Programme” Between August 2 and 4, 2023, specialists of the Centre for Educational Programmes (hereinafter referred to as the...

Safety and well-being

Safety and well-being

  Well-being and Safety             Safety and well-being of the younger generation play an important role in the context of the developing world. They are the priorities of the development of modern society. Centre for Educational Programmes has developed an...

The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023

The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023

    The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023 On 12-13 October, Astana hosted an important event in the world of technology — the international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023, which brought together outstanding speakers, heads of technology companies and...

Information for site

Information for site

  Information for site Within the framework of the project on the development of textbooks for the 12th grade in accordance with the educational program of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools - NIS-Program, the branch "Center for Educational Programs" held a seminar...

Training seminar delivered by Phil Lambert

Training seminar delivered by Phil Lambert On 11-15 April, Centre for Educational Programmes organised a training seminar to consider the basic principles of curriculum design and development. It was delivered by the OECD international expert Phil Lambert.

Training on Transforming Learning Environment at school.

Training on Transforming Learning Environment at school.

  Training on Transforming Learning Environment at school. On November 25-26, 2021 as a part of “Support in the development of the secondary education system in Atyrau region” there was a training on Transforming Learning Environment for Education department...

Participation on the First KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference

Participation on the First KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference

  Participation on the First KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2021 жылғы 28 қазанда «Білім беру бағдарламалары орталығы» филиалының қызметкерлері Орехова Наталия және Бигазина Перизат Кавказ, Шығыс Еуропа, Орталық Азия мен басқа да елдердің...