Safety and well-being

  Well-being and Safety             Safety and well-being of the younger generation play an important role in the context of the developing world. They are the priorities of the development of modern society. Centre for Educational Programmes has developed an...

Valbonne International Center Competition

Valbonne International Center Competition Applications are open for a grant to participate in a two-year programme of preparation courses for admission to the most prestigious engineering and science universities in France (such as l’école Polytechnique, l’école...

UNESCO prizes for Education

UNESCO prizes for Education   The UNESCO prizes for Education promote literacy, mother tongue development, use of information and communication technologies, effectiveness of teachers through improved pedagogy, sustainable development educational activities...

Bernd Luz

Bernd Luz is a famous German visual artist and communication designer whose worksmainly involve media mix. The depiction reflects the collage principle in terms of the isolation and rearrangement of elements. His canvases invite the viewer to explore entire stories...