Webinars on the development students’ project activities and research skills to implement elective courses for 10-11 grade teachers of “Specialized boarding school-lyceum Intellectual” As a part of "Support in the development of secondary education in Atyrau...
Training on Transforming Learning Environment at school.
Training on Transforming Learning Environment at school. On November 25-26, 2021 as a part of “Support in the development of the secondary education system in Atyrau region” there was a training on Transforming Learning Environment for Education department...
Participation on the First KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference
Participation on the First KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2021 жылғы 28 қазанда «Білім беру бағдарламалары орталығы» филиалының қызметкерлері Орехова Наталия және Бигазина Перизат Кавказ, Шығыс Еуропа, Орталық Азия мен басқа да елдердің...
The second stage of training webinars for teachers of Grades 9-10 of Ziatker specialised boarding school in Atyrau
The second stage of training webinars for teachers of Grades 9-10 of Ziatker specialised boarding school in Atyrau On October 11-12, the subject coordinators of Centre for Educational Programmes conducted the second stage of training webinars for teachers of...
Webinars for rural school teachers from Zhambyl and Kyzylorda oblasts
Webinars for rural school teachers from Zhambyl and Kyzylorda oblasts On 16-17 September, as part of the Rural School Project, subject coordinators of Centre for Educational Programmes delivered webinars on the implementation of renewed subject programmes for...
Delivering webinars for Grade 9-10 teachers of Specialised Lyceum Boarding School “Intellectual” in Atyrau
Delivering webinars for Grade 9-10 teachers of Specialised Lyceum Boarding School "Intellectual" in Atyrau On the 2nd and 3rd of September Subject Coordinators of the Centre for Educational Programmes delivered webinars on the specifics of implementation of subject...
“Content and language integrated learning: CLIL activities for the development of students’ reading literacy”
"Content and language integrated learning: CLIL activities for the development of students’ reading literacy" The specialists of the Centre for Educational Programmes organized and conducted online seminars for teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools on the...
CLIL workshop within the Teachers’ August Conference of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Russia
CLIL workshop within the Teachers’ August Conference of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Russia The representative of Centre for Educational Programmes(CEP) delivered a workshop for teachers and educators of Yugra within the Teachers’ August Conference on “Education...
3rd Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030
3rd Global Forum on the Future of Education and Skills 2030 In 2021, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO (hereinafter – NIS) continued its work as the national coordinator from Kazakhstan in the OECD the Future of Education and Skills 2030 project. On...
Webinars for East Kazakhstan Secondary School Teachers
Webinars for East Kazakhstan Secondary School Teachers On April, 30, subject coordinators of Centre for Educational Programmes delivered a series of webinars for primary school teachers and teachers of English representing S. Lastayev and R. Marsekov and Ulken...