International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

International Digital Forum Digital Almaty 2024 

From February 1st to 3rd, the International Digital Forum Digital Almaty was held, serving as a traditional platform for discussing the digital agenda, new strategies for digital transformation, and trends in digital technology. Participation in prestigious events like Digital Almaty can enhance the visibility of our NIS LAB project, attract potential users and investors, and strengthen the NIS brand’s position in the digital technology market. 


∙ Rich business program featuring the latest cases from leading experts; 

∙ Extensive exhibition of top companies showcasing innovations, technologies, and industries; 

∙ Diverse cultural and entertainment program, from robotics championships to the largest startup battle in Kazakhstan. 

At the International Forum Digital Almaty 2024, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bagdat Musin, emphasized the interest in digital solutions from Kazakhstan by other countries, as evidenced by the participation of over 70 experts from abroad, including digitalization ministers from other states. 

The exhibition also attracted attention, presenting projects from 230 IT companies, including NIS LAB. The “Centre for Educational Programmes” branch of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools AEO used a branded stand to present its NIS LAB and NIS Online products, which attracted interest from secondary schools and foreign investors. 

We are confident that the results and agreements reached at this forum will have a positive impact on our future achievements and partnerships. 



Trainings held in Almaty

Trainings held in Almaty


Trainings held in Almaty on renewed subject programmes

within the educational programme of

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO “NIS-Programme”

Between August 2 and 4, 2023, specialists of the Centre for Educational Programmes (hereinafter referred to as the Centre) affiliated with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO conducted summer trainings on renewed subject programmes of the educational programme of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO “NIS-Programme”.

These trainings were held at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty and attended by 220 managers of Methodological Associations. The training aimed at implementing renewed subject programmes, educating students, instilling values, developing key competencies which are relevant to the present day. They were given some methodological recommendations. In addition, considered effective methods of doing research projects, peculiarities of teaching STEM, communicative approach, problem-oriented learning, effective methods and techniques for developing mathematical, science, digital and media literacy of students.

On the last day the participants had a meeting with Anuar Zhangozin, Chair of the Board of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO, Zhanar Abdildina, Director of the Centre, and received answers to their additional questions.

The renewed subject programmes will be implemented in the 2023-2024 academic year starting from Grade 7.


2023 жылдың 2-4 тамызы аралығында «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ «Білім беру бағдарламалары орталығы» филиалының (бұдан әрі – Орталық) мамандары «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ-ның NIS-Programme білім беру бағдарламасы аясында жаңартылған оқу бағдарламалары бойынша жазғы оқыту тренингтерін өткізді.

Аталған тренингтер Алматы қ. физика-математика бағытындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде өтті. Оқыту тренингтерінде республикадағы Зияткерлік мектептердің барлық пәндері бойынша 220 әдістемелік бірлестік жетекшілері бас қосты. Тренинг мазмұны жаңартылған оқу бағдарламаларын іске асыру, білім беру және тәрбие ісін тұтас жүзеге асыру, оқушылар бойына құндылықтарды дарыту, қазіргі кездегі негізгі құзыреттерді қалыптастыру мәселелеріне бағытталып, әдістемелік ұсыныстар берілді. Сонымен қатар жобалау және зерттеу жұмыстарын ұйымдастырудың тиімді әдістері, STEM оқытудың ерекшеліктері, коммуникативтік тәсіл, проблемалық оқыту, оқушылардың оқу, математикалық, жаратылыстану, цифрлық және медиасауаттылығын қалыптастырудың тиімді әдіс-тәсілдері қарастырылды.

Тренингтің соңғы күні әдістемелік бірлестік жетекшілері «Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектептері» ДББҰ Басқарма төрағасы Әнуар Жанғозинмен және Орталық директоры Жанар Абдильдинамен кездесіп, өздерін толғандырған сұрақтарына жауап алды.

Жаңартылған оқу бағдарламалары 2023-2024 оқу жылында 7-сыныптан бастап ендірілетін болады.

Safety and well-being

Safety and well-being


Well-being and Safety

            Safety and well-being of the younger generation play an important role in the context of the developing world. They are the priorities of the development of modern society.

Centre for Educational Programmes has developed an elective course on Safety and Well-being for students of grades 7-10, aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills that ensure safe living in the world and the social environment, creating a safe and comfortable living environment, shaping the values of a healthy and safe lifestyle, emotional and mental stability, mastering the rules of personal and collective safe behaviour.

The course aims to develop students’ personal competencies, develop problem-solving skills and adaptive behaviour of students, improve knowledge and practical skills of safe behaviour. Students update their knowledge about proper nutrition, regular physical activity and hygiene, the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, knowledge of how to maintain their emotional well-being and develop healthy relationships with other people. The course will help students develop skills of conscious behaviour to avoid situations that may pose a threat to their health and safety, develop a sense of responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others, improve their social skills and emotional intelligence skills. The course curriculum includes the principles of communication, the ability to listen and express own thoughts and emotions. This will help students to build healthy, harmonious relationships with others and effectively cope with conflicts. The course material contributes to the development of self-awareness and self-esteem of students. Methods of teaching include the use of practical examples and real-life cases so that students can see the application of theory in practice. This will help them better understand and evaluate real situations of safety and well-being.

The elective course programme is designed for 34 hours in each grade.

The programme consists of four strands.

  1. Health protection and healthy lifestyle
  2. Mental health and well-being
  3. Well-being in a social environment
  4. Personal safety

The themes in the course are based on the spiral model when students’ knowledge and skills are improved as they progress from grade to grade.

The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023

The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023



The international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023

On 12-13 October, Astana hosted an important event in the world of technology — the international IT forum Digital Bridge 2023, which brought together outstanding speakers, heads of technology companies and key figures from the world of politics not only in Kazakhstan, but also in other countries.

The opening of the forum was marked by the speech of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, in which he shared his vision of trends in the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on the global economy.

The branded stand allowed the branch “Centre for Educational Programmes” of AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools to present its products “NIS LAB” and “NIS Online” to the visitors of the forum, as well as to tell about the prospects of development in this sphere. It is worth noting that secondary schools and foreign investors are particularly interested in the NIS LAB product.

We are confident that the arrangements concluded within the framework of this forum will have a positive impact on our future achievements and agreements.

Training of subject specialists, methodologists as a part of secondary education improvement in Kazakhstan

Training of subject specialists, methodologists as a part of secondary education improvement in Kazakhstan


Training of subject specialists, methodologists as a part of secondary education improvement in Kazakhstan

On June 10, 2022, the training of subject specialists, methodologists, who are the members of the project groups on revision State Compulsory Educational Standard as a part of secondary education improvement in Kazakhstan, was completed.

The content of education is known to be renewed cyclically all around the world. In developed countries, it varies from 5 to 10 years. Therefore, in Kazakhstan Altynsarin Academy of Education has created project groups to review secondary education curricula.

More than 300 teachers participated in the training held in Nur-Sultan from 7 to 10 June 2022. The training was delivered by Dr Phil Lambert from Sydney, Australia, an OECD expert in the development of secondary education content with the experts from Centre for Educational Programmes, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO.

The training covered the structure, principles, goals and objectives of curriculum design, the importance of writing learning objectives and a comparative analysis of international curricula.