Developing video lessons for mainstream school distance learning

Due to the induced transition to distance learning, specialists from a branch of Nazarbayev Intellectual schools AEO, Сentre for Educational Programmes (CEP), have been participating in developing and creating video lessons since March 19, 2020. The lessons are broadcasted on “Yel Arna” and “Balapan” national TV channels.

Under state of emergency, the transition to distance learning is not an easy task for secondary education system. CEP did not stand aside in solving this issue and took an active part in the developing, editing lesson materials and in making video of them.

It should be noted that the experience of CEP employees in developing programmes and digital educational resources contributed to successful implementation of such a large-scale project – providing life-long education for learners. Those video lessons recording was arranged by BilimMediaGroup company.

To date, nine CEP specialists are taking participation in the development and making video lessons – Kalamkas Baitenova, Aksulu Kulmagambetova, Natalia Orekhova, Perizat Bigazina, Aiganym Satylova, Nurlygul Dauletkereyeva, Bibigul Kaliyeva, Ayimgul Ongarbayeva, and Nurbakyt Akylbekova.

With the participation of Kalamkas Baitenova, 6 lessons on Mathematics and 2 lessons on World understanding for 1 grade learners were made in Kazakh. It is planned to record 20 more lessons, including 15 lessons on Mathematics, and 5 lessons on World understanding.

Perizat Bigazina took part in making 8 video lessons on Science in Kazakh for 1-4 grades. It is planned to record another 20 lessons.

Natalia Orekhova took part in 4 lessons on Mathematics and 10 lessons on Science for 1-4 grades, the videos were made in Russian. There will be a record of 15 more lessons on Mathematics and 20 more on Science.

Aksulu Kulmagambetova takes part in recording video lessons on Kazakh language and Literature L2 for 3, 8, and 9 grade learners. Five lessons with her participation are being recorded, and 15 more are still to be made.

Aiganym Satylova takes part in the production of 12 video lessons on Kazakh language L1 for 5 grade learners.

Bibigul Kaliyeva takes part in recording video lessons on History of Kazakhstan and World history for 7 and 8 grades learners. Three lessons on World history for 7 grade learners and two lessons on History of Kazakhstan for 8 grade learners have been made. It is planned to record 7 more lessons on World history and 7 more History of Kazakhstan lessons.

Aiymgul Ongarbayeva participates in creating video lessons on History of Kazakhstan for 7 and 8 grades learners in Kazakh. Two lessons have already been made, and 14 lessons are to be recorded.

Nurbakyt Akulbekova took part in the development of 3 video lessons on Russian language and literature L2 for 8 grade learners.

Nurlygul Dauletkereyeva participated in the development of 4 lessons on Kazakh language L1 for grade 9. She has also provided methodological assistance in developing two lessons on Kazakh language L1 for grade 7.

In total, 42 video lessons for grades 1-9 were recorded in two languages: Mathematics, Science, World Understanding, History of Kazakhstan, World history, Kazakh language, Kazakh language and literature, Russian language and literature. In the near future, it is planned to record another 125 video lessons on the subjects above for grades 1-9.

CEP employees have reviewed 40 video lessons made by secondary school teachers. Methodological support for further improvement was provided.

It should also be noted that CEP has provided free access to digital educational resources on STORE.NIS.EDU.KZ platform for the state of emergency and quarantine period.

Dear readers, take care of yourselves and your families! We will help our children to spend time efficiently through developing and improving their knowledge by using the opportunities of online learning and keeping a positive attitude!

We are together! Biz birgemiz!


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